Gaopin Automation and Hanon system signed a strategic cooperation agreement

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The signing ceremony of strategic cooperation between Gaopin Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. and Hanang was held at our Hangzhou headquarters on Monday. According to the agreement, the two parties will carry out in-depth strategic cooperation in the field of automotive thermal management systems.

As a supplier of automation solutions that has cooperated with Hanon for 10 years, Gaopin will fully support Hanon in building the world's leading automotive thermal management system.

Mr. Zhang Zhigang, Chairman and CEO of Gaopin Automation, Mr. Guo Jun, General Manager of Sales Center, Mr. Yu Hu, senior project manager, Mr. Yan Qibin, thermal management technology expert, and Mr. He Hongliang, senior sales Manager, attended and witnessed the signing.

The relevant principals of Hanon Global and Hanon China also attended the signing ceremony.

Mr. Zhang Zhigang (left), CEO of our company, and Mr. KIM JEONG WOO (right), Director of Global Equipment Procurement of Hanon, signed the agreement on behalf of both parties

Mr. Zhang Zhigang, CEO of our company, said that the strategic cooperation agreement signed with Hanang Global is of far-reaching significance. As one of the core strategies of Gaopin automation, it has been the direction of Gaopin's development efforts to build the world's leading automotive thermal management system automation production line. This cooperation will comprehensively improve the efficiency and experience of Hanon automotive thermal management system equipment, and is also an important step in our globalization strategy.

Mr. KIM JEONG WOO, Director of Global equipment procurement at Hanang, said that this time Hanang and Gaopin Automation are also of great significance. Hanang has the world's largest automotive thermal management system component layout, focusing on the high-end automotive market, and Gaopin has the world's leading automotive thermal management system production line technology. The combination of the two will certainly bring new help to the global high-end automotive thermal management industry.

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