Gaopin Automation joins hands with Hangshi Group to help the intelligent development of new manufacturing industry

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On May 17, 2021, digital empowerment Intelligent Future - Hangshi Group Manufacturing Digital Transformation and Upgrading Promotion and "Real Creation" precision empowerment Promotion Meeting was successfully held in Hangzhou.

The conference focused on "digital empowerment, intelligent future", combined with the practical experience of many advanced manufacturing benchmarking enterprises, as well as the technology development and landing experience of technology output technology enterprises, launched an in-depth discussion and exchange with the vision of future digital intelligence factory and AI enabled intelligent manufacturing.

As a technology enterprise in the field of intelligent manufacturing, Gaopin Automation was invited to participate in the conference, and discussed the digitalization upgrade of the new manufacturing industry and the future vision with the leading manufacturing enterprises such as Hangshih Group, Hangzhou Unicom, Zhongce Rubber, Hangzhan Group, etc.

Zhu Shaojie, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, vice chairman and general manager of Hangshi Group, pointed out in his speech at the conference that we must deeply realize that promoting the digital transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry is not a choice question, but a mandatory answer, which is the mission and inevitable requirements of implementing the decision-making and deployment of the central government and provinces.

Hangshi Group Party Committee deputy secretary, vice chairman, general manager Zhu Shaojie

At the meeting, representatives of a number of outstanding enterprises in the digital economy industry, including Gaupin Automation, conducted a project empowerment roadshow, focusing on the service of enterprise products in the field of digital transformation and intelligent manufacturing, aiming to bring incremental value to customers in many industries on digital intelligence empowerment.

Vice General manager of Gaopin Automation  Zhang Jing

Zhang Jing, on behalf of Gaopin Automation, introduced Gaopin's technological leadership in the field of automotive electronics and motor intelligent manufacturing, achieving import substitution and export. Then, through the video, the specific practice of high quality automation in intelligent equipment and smart factory layout is introduced in detail. At present, there are many successful cases in auto parts manufacturing, mechanical equipment manufacturing, semiconductor electronic communication manufacturing, rubber and plastic manufacturing, home appliance manufacturing, elevator manufacturing and other industries. In the future, it will play a greater role in serving the digitalization and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry in the construction of smart factory overall solutions. As a national high-tech enterprise for Industrial 4.0 intelligent manufacturing solutions, Gaopin always upholds the development concept of high quality and permanent innovation, and focuses on providing customers with stable, reliable and innovative automation system solutions.

Guo Dongxiao, deputy general manager of Hangshi Group, and Zhang Zhigang, general manager of Gaopin Automation, respectively signed a contract on behalf of Hangshi Group and Gaopin Automation

At the end of the meeting, Gaopin Automation and Hangshi Group completed the signing ceremony of strategic cooperation. This signing will further promote the cooperation between Gaopin Automation and Hangshi Group, laying a better foundation for mining needs, constructing scenarios, accurately empowering, creating value, and win-win cooperation.

Take a group photo after the meeting

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